Beautiful Handmade Art of Croatia
If you are looking for highlights far from usual tourist tours, follow the trail of the Croatian lace, hand-crafted art from the World Cultural Heritage…

Discover the Lace, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Croatia
For centuries, especially in small rural communities, handmade Croatia lace has been a skill passed down from generation to generation. Each woman takes the work of her mother and grandmother as an example, and brings personal ingenuity and religious piety, or emotional design to life, forming a unique style of work…

The Delicate Croatia Lace!
This cultural heritage protected by UNESCO will take you to three beautiful places that still use precious traditional handmade skills. Each weaving and embroidery technique is different and unique in design, but they have the same result: exquisite lace artwork. The preciousness, uniqueness, and history of the world’s intangible cultural heritage are definitely valuable for gifts, reward, and heirloom.

The Pauline order from Hungary founded a monastery in Lepoglava in 1400, bringing the skill of making lace to the town. The monks taught rural population the technique of weaving…

Island of Pag
Lace-making on the island of Pag has a tradition of more than 500 years. In the Convent of St. Margaret, the nuns instructed girls, teaching them to read and write and to make lace.

Island of Hvar
The skill of making agave lace in the island of Hvar is specific for its material made from fibers extracted from fresh agave leaves. This is the only agave lace in the world.

Visit Our Lace Shop!
You want to buy croatian lace, visit our shop! You will find there lace handicrafts from three world cultural heritage sites of Lepoglava, Pag, and Hvar… If you need more information, welcome to contact us!
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Zadar Sunset Seascape and Sea Organ
Zadar, formerly known as Zara in Italian, stands as Croatia's fifth-largest city and the second-largest in the Dalmatian region. Beyond its World Heritage architecture and ancient streets, this city boasts a world-renowned, awe-inspiring duo: the sunset seascape and the sea organ...

Skill and Patience, Foundation Behind Fashion
Pag lace has more than 500 years history. Among all the towns of Pag Island, only women of Pag town know the skill way. Selling lace was always an important source of income for the family economy. The tools used for lace making are: needle, cotton thread, cardboard and round pillow...

Dubrovnik History
It is said that in the area of Dubrovnik, settlements were formed in the prehistoric period, but because this is too old and there is no record, the real beginning of Dubrovnik history cannot be truly confirmed. However, what is certain is that Dubrovnik has existed on this hard rock land for more than 1400 years…
Discover the Lace, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Croatia
Lace has a very old history in Croatia. If you wish to know more about it, or about Croatia and its culture, or if you simply wish to travel in Croatia and need some help, please fill free to contact us with the below form!

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